Proofreading - Revising - Editing

Have you recently had your website, PowerPoint Presentation, Contract or Speech translated and not quite sure if the translated text is accurate? When “Teh” should be “ The” or “your” should be “you’re”? ILC’s Business Editing & Proofreading services help you establish and maintain your professional reputation. How do we do this?

There are three specific methods to check a text:

  • Proofreading
    This is where we look for misspelled words, misused punctuation marks, verb tenses. This is usually the last step.
  • Revision
    Revising entails the “re-visioning” of your document and approach. Are my arguments clear? Is the topic relevant? Cultural aspects!
  • Editing
    Ensures that your document is coherent and unified. Basically to make sentences flow, that transitions are clear and logical.

Closing remarks

The level of detail and intent of your document or presentation can be different, but should never be inaccurate! Don’t forget that you never get a second chance to make a professional first impression, no matter where you are! For further enquiries or languages do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Confidentiality Guaranteed (NDA)
  • Context and Accuracy preserved
  • Maintain the cultural connection on style,terminology from your stakeholders.
  • Professionalized International Communication
  • Give us a call at 0416 563000 or send an e-mail to

The contrast of a well-proofread presentation or document rife with grammatical and typographical errors could imply that you crammed your presentation or never bothered to check for mistakes. Our dedicated and experienced trainers will help, coach and give you the cultural finesse you need to not only match your client’s expectations, but also to feel self – confident and book results.